Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mount Lawu, East Java, Indonesia

One of the most famous hiking / tracking destination to local people.
It is 3,245 m high and the vegetations are thick.

It has the most beautiful Edelweiss field on the island of Java. there are several kind of Edelweiss, mostly Red and White.

The sun rise are often fantastic, with blue and Red sprakling around.
It has several good tracks for hiking.

Local people usually start to hike at around 9 pm, and with moderate speed can reach the last post by dawn.
On Saturday afternoon till Sunday afternoon, there will be many of hikers enjoys it's beautiful Rain forest.

But (for me) it is also one of the most coldest mountain on the island of Java. At 6 am usually the temperature is less then 5 deg Celcius. Freezing!

The nearest city to get information (and profesional tour guide) are Solo and Yogyakarta.

There are many exciting place on the top of lawu, they are:
- Argo Dalem
- Kapandhitan
- Sendang Derajat
- Sendang macan
- Sendang Panguripan
- Sumur Jalatunda
- Pawon Sewu
- Pringgodani
- Cokro Suryo
- etc.

Those places are holy places for Kejawen religion. The followers of Kejawen ussualy hike to the top of mountain for holy rituals at javanesse new year (1 Suro) eve.

How to get top of Lawu?
There are some routes to reach the Top of Lawu mountain but there are two favorite routes that started from Cemoro Sewu and Cemoro Tandan.
* Cemoro Sewu is a gate of route in Magetan - east java area, the route through the steep slope but the distance is shorter. The Hikers likes this route for a challenges.
* Cemoro Tandan is a gate of route in Karang Anyar - Central Java, the route is not too steep but the distance to top mountain is longer. It is good for beginner hikers.

Source : Wikimapia


Gunung on July 9, 2009 at 3:26 AM said...

That's great. Nice info. Very Usefull. Thx

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