Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mount Halimun, West Java, Indonesia

Established in 1992, Gunung Halimun National Park (GHSNP) is the largest remaining primary lowland forest in Java, home to 23 mammal species, at least two of which are endemic and endangered (the Javan gibbon and the grizzled langur). The roughly 113,000 hectares found within its boundaries also cover a wide range of plant and animal species. The park also supports more than 200 bird species, of which 18 are endemic, and over 500 plant species.

Indigenous Kasepuhan and other Sundanese communities live in and around the park and depend heavily on its natural resources. The park protects an important watershed for Java. However, small-holder and plantation agriculture, infrastructure development, small-scale gold mining, and unsustainable fuel wood and non-timber forest product harvesting threaten GHSNP’s resources. Visitors trek here to observe rare primates, birds, and other forest attraction, and to relax in the tranquil setting of towering water falls.

How to Get There:

Firstly, fly to Jakarta and continue to the town of Bogor, West Java. From Bogor drive to Kabandungan via Parungkuda in a 1.5 hours drive, or drive to Cisangku located 50 km (1.5. hours drive) away.

The Best Season to Visit:

June to August every year


Gunung Halimun Salak National Park Office
Parungkuda PO Box 2, Kabandungan Sukabumi 43157
Ph. +62 266 621 256, Fax. +62 266 621 257
E-mail: tngh@telkom.net

Source : My Indonesia


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