Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mount Cermai, West Java, Indonesia

Mount Ceremai have a distinctive feature when compared to other mountains on the island of Java. This mountain is located far apart from the high mountains and other side is the Java Sea.

Travel to G. Ceremai can be started from the terminal Cirebon, Kuningan ride the bus and go down in Cilimus. From Cilimus we connect with Colt vehicle or motorcycles to the village Linggarjati.

Linggarjati in the village, we can stay in the Hotel Linggarjati. From the hotel Linggarjati we travel forward through the manuscript to the building until around West Central Village Linggarjati. Here we find a former climber or precisely interpreter lock, which is called a pack of Ahmad, who because of age, he is now experiencing vision disturbances.

From here walk straight and we'll find pine forests, then we will arrive at the fork, called Cibunar. In this place we can build a tent because the available water. Travel resumed by selecting the way to the left toward the mountain peak Ciremai. 5 hours later we will find a large stone, the location made the rest POS called Watu Lingga.
Lingga from the top (crater) adopted in the 2-3 hour drive through the forest and rocklike cadas. From the peak to the right we go to the crater sulfur takes about 1 hour trip. To take a peak around 2 ½ hours, we can see the interesting Majalengka towards the city, Bandung, Java Sea and the other. Down from the peak to the village Linggarjati be in 3-4 jam.Jalur climbing

As the highest mountain in West Java, Mount Ciremai is one of the main climb and the young generation of nature lovers and the average visits per year is estimated to reach 15,000 people. There are three climbing routes, namely route Linggarjati and Palutungan in Kab. Brass and Apuy path in Kab. Majalengka.

Nature Tourism

Panorama Mountain natural Ciremai variatif and quite unique and have a high value such as Estetika Pesona Ciremai dipuncak sunrise, the beautiful natural forests, the beauty of Water Terjun in the valley, bathing and natural hot springs. Nature of tourism in the region in the Kuningan area, among other

1. Valley Cilengkrang, Curug sawer, Curug belt (Pajambon)
2. Pond mussel and swift water Paniis (Pasawahan)
3. Curug daughter (Cigugur)

While in the region Majalengka among others:

1. Curug Sawer (Argapura)
2. Curug Tonjong and panoramic natural Sadarehe (Rajagaluh)

Culture Tourism

For the pilgrims / cultural tourists, the area TNGC many places that have high historical value and dikeramatkan by the local community are: there Sangiang (Banjaran), Mt shoots (Argapura), Sumur Seven (Cibulan), Sumur Cikayan (Pasawahan), and there Ayu Latitude (Mandirancan).

Tourism Education

For the pilgrims / cultural tourists, the area TNGC many places that have high historical value and dikeramatkan by the local community are: there Sangiang (Banjaran), Mt shoots (Argapura), Sumur Seven (Cibulan), Sumur Cikayan (Pasawahan), and there Ayu Latitude (Mandirancan).

Source : Travelling Anywhere


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