Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mount Halimun, West Java, Indonesia


Established in 1992, Gunung Halimun National Park (GHSNP) is the largest remaining primary lowland forest in Java, home to 23 mammal species, at least two of which are endemic and endangered (the Javan gibbon and the grizzled langur). The roughly 113,000 hectares found within its boundaries also cover a wide range of plant and animal species. The park also supports more than 200 bird species, of which 18 are endemic, and over 500 plant species.

Indigenous Kasepuhan and other Sundanese communities live in and around the park and depend heavily on its natural resources. The park protects an important watershed for Java. However, small-holder and plantation agriculture, infrastructure development, small-scale gold mining, and unsustainable fuel wood and non-timber forest product harvesting threaten GHSNP’s resources. Visitors trek here to observe rare primates, birds, and other forest attraction, and to relax in the tranquil setting of towering water falls.

How to Get There:

Firstly, fly to Jakarta and continue to the town of Bogor, West Java. From Bogor drive to Kabandungan via Parungkuda in a 1.5 hours drive, or drive to Cisangku located 50 km (1.5. hours drive) away.

The Best Season to Visit:

June to August every year


Gunung Halimun Salak National Park Office
Parungkuda PO Box 2, Kabandungan Sukabumi 43157
Ph. +62 266 621 256, Fax. +62 266 621 257
E-mail: tngh@telkom.net

Source : My Indonesia


Mount Burangrang, West Java, Indonesia


This mountain, 2064 meters high above sea level. Located in North Bandung Area (units), separated by a large valley with Mount Tangkubanparahu. Burangrang including parasites old volcano, so that has valleys and in the slice with a steep slope.

In Sangkuriang legend, the mountain was of branches (rangrang) Sangkuriang tree used to make boats. Will be angry at the failure, Sangkuriang kick the boat up to reincarnate as Mount Tangkubanparahu, while the tree branches and blossom as the Mount Burangrang.

Climbing to the mountain can be done from Bandung and Purwakarta. If the climb from Bandung, we can select multiple channels, including through the Yellow Sands, Legok Haji Lawang Wind or path. The paths that consists of paths that split up in the forest and common finish in two to three hours travel. Be careful, a lot of dangerous terrain and thick fog can appear hinder your view.

Burangrang peak marked with a monument (a point of height). From the peak, if the weather is not sunny and hazy, you can see the stunning scenery to the Situ Lembang only visible as a small pool in the middle of the basin is surrounded mountains. Basin is not used to the point of bursting a very broad (kaldera) from the ancient volcano called Gunung Sunda. So, mountain fortify Situ Lembang crater wall is generated by a tremendous explosion. You have to enjoy them because what you see is a rare scene that is not visible to everyone. Enjoy while you breathe in fresh oxygen mountains.

Source : Travelling Anywhere


Mount Cikurai, West Java, Indonesia


Mount Cikurai identical with a giant cone is one of the mountain, located in the southern city of Garut in West Java. Mount is included in this group of young mountains that are categorized as non-active.

Although the mountain is beautiful, but rarely to be climbed and the popularity is not as famous as other mountains like Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango. To reach the location of climbing, climber can start from Cilawu, next to the plantation Dayeuh Manggung, before starting to climb this mountain peak. From the area climber can find a tower high enough (TVRI) that later can be a way (guidelines) in a trip to the summit.

As the characteristics of the mountain, the water flow will be found difficult or even not at all in the journey to the top of the mountain, and springs in the mountains this is only found in the bottom (or Cilawu Dayeuh Manggung ). Therefore, the climber should bring an adequate supply of water.

To achieve a high mountain peak reaches 2821 meters above sea level, the need of the time for 7 to 12 hours for normal time and at a certain time climbers should rest in order to maintain the condition and energy. Because the climbing routes that are still rarely to be climbed by people, then we will of the forest are a natural and beautiful, but needs to be remembered by every climber in that during the journey to the top we will find some way of branching, because the instructions to the mountain peak is not clearly as well as Mount Gede who have to use the arrow to reach the peak, the gang leader should always extra careful in taking path climbing because the climber does not a little misguided because in determining the correct path that will be passed in the ascent.

Forest is there in the mountains this is one of the forest which is perfect, because in some parts of the valley slope or almost virgin, as evidenced when the author was trying to open a new path, the author does not find ex-ex-exploitation of human beings, and even search woods never reach the location.

It was evident from the absence of any trace in the form of a discount department paths, both the top and down the peak. And the situation is different with most of the mountain in Central Java. Mountains in Central Java than Mount Slamet (3428 M) has experienced large-scale exploitation of the forest so as buffer areas around water sources and clean for people to be disturbed even in some places almost found the water flow.

Each climber will feel happy after reaching the peak, as in climbing to the top of Mount Cikurai this. Climber satisfied after reaching the peak. Especially Cikurai peak, climber will be the scene are probably different from the top of the mountain scenery on the other, because if we stand at the top of the mountain is more or less the extent of "football field", the view is very clear we will see the surrounding mountains, as there is no any trees or buildings that obstruct our view. Therefore, the climber should culminate in the early days when the sunrise, the landscape probably will never be forgotten.

After climbing the peak is complete, the climber is given the option to decline path. Climber can descend down to the Cikajang or skip lines when the climber early start climbing.

To achieve Cikuray can be increased with the vehicle from the public or from Tasikmalaya Bandung toward terminal Guntur. From the city terminal, we can ride the city transportation department number 06 Garut - Cilawu and down in the portal of national tea plantation (PTPN) VIII or Dayeuh Manggung. From here, proceed with the journey on foot around 10 km to the station several television stations as a starting point climb. If you want fast, we can rent motorcycles at 30 thousands IDR per person. Or 2 can use another path climbing commonplace use (Cikajang & Bayongbong). The three lines offer a very interesting field with characteristics of each. Channel Bayongbong path is the most precipitous, but it can quickly reach the peak.

Source : Travelling Anywhere




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